So tired
True, Mar 23 2009

~35k hands, 1 month worth, abouuuttt 90 hours of play, mixture of NL100 and NL50
Cant seem to get a break, i feel bad.
Hope this blogpost will remind me that it could be worse when this is finally over
True, Feb 10 2008
So weekend is a huge heater (As much as i´d like to call this skill and uber ownage and awesome manipulation and reading talent, it´s a god damn heater), stats at;

I once again reach that magical 20 BI, i need to decide whether to play more NL25 and boost BR up (1050 now) more before taking a shot at NL50, or do it now... Tbh i think i should give it another go now that i know how the limit plays and how i best can exploit it, but i´m unsure.
I´m clueless, NL50 players please comment :|
Shot at NL50
True, Feb 07 2008
Result: Fail, down 150 bucks.
Notes; Everybody is a passive callstation. Standard TAG/LAG easy to spot. Steal the blinds, rarely bluff. Valuebet the fuck out of everyone, people love their hands.
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